Kristin Neidlinger
enhanced bodies, artist, wearable, sensors
Smart Second Skin Dress
Jenny Tillotson
human biology, garment, wearer, scents, new interactive fabric, senses, body's circulatin system, wearable, micro mechanisms, communication system, aromatic messages, body
(Solarmer) |
2006 |
building-integrated photovoltaics, portable electronics, renewable energy, flexible plastic solar panels, smart fabrics, interactive textiles, wearable form, recyclable
Sound Reactive Garment
Sarah Soriano
relathionship, artist, designer, interactive, garment, sound, microphone, garment
Eric Zainzinger
(E-textile) |
2006 |
garment, fibers, LED, textile, interactive clothing, DIY, blog, electronic, wearable, fashion, research, news
Touched by Strangers
Alexander Reeder
2008 |
rechargeable battery, motor, conductive ribbon, interactive garments, accessories, wearable technology, performative elements, designer, fashion, custom circuit
Vincent Leclerc
Vincent Leclerc
MIT, XS Labs, designer, electronic textiles
Pierre Proske
interactive, audio, visual installation, print, textile, pattern
XYinteraction-Textile Interface
Maurin Donneaud, Vincent Roudaut
flexibility, texture, size, choreographic movements, playing electronic music, tactile interface, interactive textile, trasparency, body, musical interpretation
Zane Berzina
Zane Berzina
artist, soft technologies, designer, researcher, interdisciplinary projects, science, technology, design, art, active and interactive textiles, new materials, biomimetic practies
Zizi the affectionate couch
(Twenty121) |
couch, support, physical, emotional, response, experiment, human computer interface