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Project Persons Year Tags
(Re)connect Kate Hartman video, new media, artist
Kate Hartman is a video and new media artist who lives in New York City. She received a degree in Film and Electronic Arts from Bard College and is currently pursuing her Masters at New York Universityís Interactive Telecommunications Program. This blog chronicles her current class work at ITP. For additional information on her projects, please visit
Alt-w Fund (Scottish Arts Council) development, agency, new media
New Media Scotland is a national development agency fostering artist and audience engagement with all forms of new media practice.
Ayah Bdeir Ayah Bdeir artist, engineer, designer, researcher
Ayah Bdeir is an artist, engineer and interaction designer. She graduated from the MIT Media Lab with a Masters of Media Arts and Sciences after studying Computer & Communication Engineering and Sociology in the American University of Beirut. She has worked as a researcher and interaction designer in Lebanon and New York, in artist spaces and design firms, with a brief interruption to work in a financial services firm in New York.
Body Pixel Deborah Hustic technology, interviews, wearable, blog, artist, beta
Deborah Hustic aka body pixel – artist, blogger, web dreamer… working with analogue and digital media. Holds MA in Comparative Literature and Ethnology, thesis on the topic of Butoh. Trained in graphic design; workshops in the fields of photography, dance, computer arts, semantic web, podcasts, textile arts, dance criticism, wearable technology, etc. For 15 years involved in new media. Interested in interactive performance and motion, wearable technology and the usage of new media art in performative context, DIY and free culture movement.
By-Wire.Net Marina Toeters designer, innovative fashion, research, collaboration projects, freelance intermediary, fashion companies, creates concepts, presentations, brainstorm sessions, garments, new applications loves to expand innovative fashion by sharing knowledge. It will continue researching and collaboration projects. As freelance intermediary Marina Toeters works for fashion and technical companies; creates concepts, presentations, brainstorm sessions and garments for example for technical companies which are looking for new application for their materials or advises designers interested in process innovation.
bYOB Gauri Nanda, Adrian Cable 2004 communication, accessories
What is a conversation like between a handbag and a scarf? How can you mediate their conversation and when is your skirt allowed in on the discussion? As a woman is about to leave her house, her handbag may solicit the weather forecast from the humidity sensor on its fellow smart curtain. It might deliver the news of an impending downpour by saying "I think it might rain. Go get your umbrella." And after deliberating with her coat pocket, the handbag may use ambient light to caution the user if she's forgotten her cell phone.
Caché Nadya Peek 2009 interaction, MIT media lab, fab-lab, sensor, dress, wearable, interactive clothing, e-textile, social, student, workshop
Nadya Peek, a first year grad student at the MIT Media Lab created a unique interactive dress to close the gap between our presents in the physical and virtual world. The scenario: a Netcitizenís photo on his/her social network platform indicates ëclickableí areas on the personís clothing. By clicking on these areas on the Website the information will be transmitted via smartphone and bluetooth to the piezo speaker in the garment indicating via a click sound someone clicked on the image letting the wearer know he/she feels close right now.
Cati Vaucelle Cati Vaucelle (MIT Media Laboratory) avatar, biological, science, healthcare, hybrid
Through an interdisciplinary lens that brings together engineering, art, cognitive science, and healthcare, I explore the anthropomorphic nature of hybrid physical/digital objects and their promise to be catalysts towards unforeseen discoveries. I design objects to offer anima and perspective: from the haptic jacket that an autistic patient wears to express to the doctor what it means to be sensory defensive, to the electromagnetic field detector bracelet that transforms invisible information into visible data for a feeling of empowerment, or an environment where instead of you taking care of your avatar in massive online games, your avatar turns around and takes care of your biological needs.
CRAFT (O'Reilly Media, Inc.) 2005 social, people, tools, community, materials, magazine, crafts, diy, informationm entertain, research, art, new techniques, crafting projects
CRAFT is dedicated to the renaissance that's occurring within the world of crafts. Celebrating the DIY spirit, CRAFT's goal is to unite, inspire, inform, and entertain a growing community of highly imaginative and resourceful people who are transforming traditional art and crafts with unconventional, unexpected, and even renegade techniques, materials, and tools; people who undertake amazing crafting projects in their homes and communities.
Creative factory Leo van Loon (Creative Factory) business, research, creative, magazine, platform, studio
Innovativiteit, ambitie en klantgerichtheid vormt de rode draad van de Creative Factory bedrijven. Ze zijn onderverdeeld in vijf clusters: media, ontwerp, muziek & events, mode en zakelijke dienstverlening.
Danish Design School (Danish Design School) craft, art, Materials and Interaction, Design Values, Design Theory and Methods, research, design school, innovative shaping
The education and research programmes are organized in four centres: Centre for Fashion Design, Centre for Industrial Design, Centre for Communication Design and Centre for Arts and Crafts. We offer a wide series of study programmes, covering different approaches to design: visual communication, fashion design, industrial design, branding, furniture design, spatial design, textile design, design for digital media, ceramics, glass design and design for film and TV.
Department of Design | Media Arts (School of Arts and Architecture at the University of California) information, virtual environments, ubiquitos computing, interface design, interaction, digital-media arts, school of art and architecture, university of california, los angeles, designer, artists, media, design, innovation, arts, course, school, university, students, creative exploration, visual communication, typography, spaces, networked agents, research
The Department of Design | Media Arts is located within the School of Arts and Architecture at the University of California, Los Angeles. We are committed to educating responsible designers and artists for the information age by teaching the fundamentals of Design, Media, and the Arts, and encouraging experimentation and innovation. We provide an extensive education in Design and Media Arts practice, history and criticism, and the department fosters a critical and creative exploration of emerging forms of visual communication, typography, interaction and interface design, ubiquitous computing, virtual environments, information spaces, networked agents and other pertinent areas of research.
Design and Digital Art (Edinburgh Napier University) digital arts, university
Creative innovation in digital arts and design has explosively transformed our entertainments and information, and reshaped the way we work, consume and play - even mediating the way we relate to our friends. Visualising the next digital transformation in commerce and lifestyles is the focus of this programme.
Diaplex (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) ski, sport, cool, warm
This incredibly flexible, futuristic product changes its properties to meet the user's immediate needs. From flexi-grip spoons for arthritic hands, rigid intravenous tubing which softens internally to eliminate discomfort for hospital patients, to parka's that keep the skiers warm during rest but completely cool and dry during activity, DiAPLEX truly does it all.
Digital Media Culture Lab Catherine Elvin (Culture Lab-Newcastle University) research, lab, culture, digital media
The Digital Media Master of Research (MRes) programme is a flexible, creative course in the latest interactive technologies, new media theory, and exploratory media art practice. Working closely with Digital Media staff members, the course offers a supportive community for practice-based research, encouraging innovation and active engagement with the wider cultural sector.
Dutch Electronic Art Festival (DEAF) electronic, art, festival, media
The Dutch Electronic Art Festival (DEAF) is an international and interdisciplinary biennial that focuses on art, technology and society.
E-ink (E-ink) MIT Media Lab, digital technology, rollable, flexible, electronic paper display, High resolution products, long battery life, flexible, innovation, thin light form, product, thin, light, revolutionary electronic ink
Founded in 1997 based on research started at the MIT Media Lab, E Ink Corporation is the leading supplier of electronic paper display (EPD) technologies. Products made with E Ink's revolutionary electronic ink possess a paper-like high contrast appearance, ultra-low power consumption and a thin, light form. E Ink's technology is ideal for many consumer and industrial applications spanning handheld devices, watches, clocks and public information and promotional signs. Future technology developments will enable many new applications through ultra-thin, lightweight, rugged, flexible, full color displays.
Exercices de Style Ying Gao (Exercices de Style Lab) fashion interface, technology clothes, pneumatic pistons, garments, media art, fashion design, textile, tailored approach
Exercices de Style is a Montreal-based fashion design lab.
Eyebeam (Eyebeam) no-profit center, art and technology, new technologies, media arts, new media, cultural, social
Eyebeam is the leading not-for-profit art and technology center in the United States. Founded in 1996 and incorporated in 1997, Eyebeam was conceived as a non-profit art and technology center dedicated to exposing broad and diverse audiences to new technologies and media arts, while simultaneously establishing and demonstrating new media as a significant genre of cultural production
Fashion Fianchettos Otto von Busch code, draping, algebraic, fashion, experiment, workshop, paper
Design workshop at Gallery Room 103 in Auckland in Spring 2009, called Fashion Fianchettos. The workshop used live draping and algebraic topology to experiment with new ways of disseminating fashion, as a set of mathematical functions and minimal codes of new drapings that could be sent between fashionistas. With a handful of bandage clips and an oversized t-shirt, the workshop provided an experimental platform for algebraic notated fashion, as well as a laboratory connecting academic text, social media and practical draping.
Fashionable Technology Sabine Seymour 2008 Hussein Chalayan, New York University, XS Labs, MIT Media Lab, Burton, Philips, companies and artists, research institutes, clothing, fabrics, fashion design, wearables, electronic textile, book, Cute Circuit, fashionable technology, projects, conceps, schools, prototypes
Over 50 well-known designers, research institutes, companies and artists, among them Philips, Burton, MIT Media Lab, XS Labs, New York University, Hussein Chalayan, Cute Circuit or International Fashion Machines are introduced by means of their latest, often still unpublished, project, and a survey of their work to date. Given for the first time is a list of all the relevant information on research institutes, materials, publications etc. A must for all those wishing to know everything about fashionable technology.
Gerrit Rietveld Academie Erik Wong, Anne-Grethe Filtenborg (Gerrit Rietveld Academie) exhibitions, workshop, bachelor, textile, design lab, fashion, master, school, academy, seminars, students
Materials and products are developed in TXT. The notion of a ësemi-finished productí plays an important role, enabling us to mediate between all kinds of end uses: architecture, fashion, interior design and industry. The atmosphere in the department is one in which thinking and doing permanently influence each other. Within the applied framework of the department, there is the opportunity to develop more autonomously oriented work. The world of visual designers is no longer strictly divided between artists and designers. The confusion between these two positions is productive, and you will be challenged to use it.
Gizmodo Brian Lam 2002 blog, gadget, technology, news, links, geek, nerd
Gizmodo is a blog about gadgets and technology. Started in 2002, Gizmodo has grown to be Gawker Media's largest blog, bringing in upwards of 100 million page views a month in traffic. We post about a variety of electronics, as well as all sorts of things gadget geeks might enjoy.
High-Low Tech Leah Buechley (MIT Media Lab) manufacturing processes, physical materials, intersection of computation, future of technology, new cultural, building technologies, design, cultures, processes, high and low technological materials, MIT Media Lab, group, traditional crafts, electronic applications, wearable, tools, interaction design, people, students
The High-Low Tech group integrates high and low technological materials, processes, and cultures. Our primary aim is to engage diverse audiences in designing and building their own technologies by situating computation in new cultural and material contexts, and by developing tools that democratize engineering.
Hysterical Bubble Anja Hertenberger photo, drawing, man-machine interaction, control, power, surveillance, identity with media, performance, installations, video-collages, artist, video, computer, programming, electronic, embroidery
Lives and works in Amsterdam, Netherlands.In her video-collages, installations and performances she is researching identity in relation to media, surveillance, power, control and man-machine interaction. She works in different media like drawing, photo, video, computer programming, electronic and embroidery.
Interface Culture (Kunst Universitat Linz-Department of Media) interface, artist, researcher, students, university, school
Acting as creative artists and researchers, students learn how to advance the state of the art of current interface technologies and applications. Through interdisciplinary research and team work, they also develop new aspects of interface design including its cultural and social applications. The themes elaborated under the Master's programme in relation to interactive technologies include Interactive Environments, Interactive Art, Ubiquitous Computing, game design, VR and MR environments, Sound Art, Media Art, Web-Art, Software Art, HCI research and interaction design.
ISEA Dr. Andreas Broeckmann (ISEA 2010) 2010 event, symposium, conference, electronic, art
The International Symposium on Electronic Art is one of the most important festivals for digital and electronic art. Being one of the projects of RUHR.2010 European Capital of Culture, the symposium will be held in Germany for the first time this year! At several venues in the cities of Dortmund, Essen and Duisburg, the festival presents current works and debates in Media Art worldwide. To that end, international artists and scholars will meet in the Ruhr metropolitan area. More than one hundred speakers will present recent developments in contemporary art and digital culture and exchange ideas with local creatives. From 20 to 22 August 2010 at PACT Zollverein in Essen - from 23 to 27 August 2010 in Dortmund - from 28 to 29 August 2010 in Duisburg
ISPO China (Messe Munchen) 2010 media, designers, distributors, brand labelers, industrial festival, innovations, new trends, annual sporting goods industry forum, 113 countries, world's largest sports trade show, athletes, international sports, exibithion, brands, news, new technology, new materials
ispo, originated from Germany, is held once a year in Munich. ispo is the world's largest sports trade show with a reputation for excellence among exhibitors and visitors from 113 countries. Backed by 40 years of success, ispo is THE annual sporting goods industry forum to showcase the state-of-the-art in sports equipment and fashion - while looking ahead into the future with new trends and innovations. ispo china tries to draw the world attention to emerging Asian sports goods market and bring in international brands while showing local professional brands. Launched 5 years ago, ispo china developed quickly into the leading professional sporting goods business platform for the whole Asian Pacific Rim.
Jane Harris jane harris body scanning, 3D CG animation, CGI animation, designer, textile, artist, motion capture
Practitioner Jane Harris builds on her knowledge of materials and works digitally with advanced computer media to create representations of fluid, three-dimensional forms – the clothed and moving body in space.
Katherine Moriwaki Katherine Moriwaki fashion, technology, media, art, school, Parsons, professor, research
Katherine Moriwaki is an Assistant Professor of Media Design in the School of Art, Media, and Technology at Parsons School of Design in New York City. As faculty at Parsons Katherineís focus is on interaction design and artistic practice. She teaches core curriculum classes in the M.F.A. Design + Technology Program where students engage a broad range of creative methodologies to realize new possibilities in interactive media. Katherine is also currently completing a Ph.D. in the Networks and Telecommunications Research Group at Trinity College Dublin, which examines the intersection between fashion, technology, and creative practice.