CIMTEC congress 2010
(CIMTEC congress 2010) |
smart material, conference, congress, new research
Elisabeth de Senneville
Elisabeth de Senneville
fashion, future
Extreme Textiles
Matilda McQuaid
2005 |
industry, science, textiles, smart materials, concept, projects, design, book, fashion design, catwalk
Heated Garment
(Pensonic Group) |
marketing professionals, manufacturing, engineers, scientist, garment, electrical home appliances, company
Dr. Argiris Laskarakis
2010 |
flexible, organic, electronics, science, research
Laura Beloff
Laura Beloff
wearable objects, networked installations, artist
Material ConneXion
(Material ConneXion) |
Military, Packaging, Marketing, Materials Science, manufacturing solutions, material scientists, material solutions, multinational, network, Aerospace, Apparel/athletic shoes, Architectural interiors, Automotive, Branding, Building and construction, Chemical engineering, Chemicals/plastics, Consumer electronics, Consumer Insight, Consumer products, Durable goods, Fiber optic, Furniture, Industrial Design, Interior Design, Interior Fittings and Hardware, Personal Care, Retail, Sporting Goods, Textiles, Toys
MIT-Media Lab
(MIT-Media Lab) |
1985 |
researcher group, atelier, scientists, artists, engineers, lab designers, human capabilities, transform, everyday life, emerging technologies, research, MIT, doing, developing technologies, social, design, interaction, new possibilities
Nano Mates
(Universitá degli studi di Salerno) |
2007 |
research centre, university, nano technology
Piem Wirtz
(V2_Institute for Unstable Media) |
fields of art and culture, technical solutions, artistic research, projects, artists, wearable technology