industrial design today, courses, education, competitions, history, contemporary, shop, interviews, snapshots, design-aerobics
Dutch Electronic Art Festival
(DEAF) |
electronic, art, festival, media
Fablab Waag Society
manufacturing, rapid prototyping, lasercutter
(Futurelab) |
institute, art, society
Interactive Institute
(Interactive Institute) |
1998 |
research, institute, experiment, art, design, innovation, cultural sector
Daan Roosegaarde
(V2_, Studio Roosegaarde) |
2009 |
smart foils, electronic art, fashion, wireless, wearable, garments, social, interaction
Kelly Dobson
Kelly Dobson
MIT, art, engineering, people, machines
Mika Satomi and Hannah Perner-Wilson
(Kobakant) |
2007 |
concepts, workshop, wearable, fashionable technology, DIY, technological art, social, interaction
Laura Beloff
Laura Beloff
wearable objects, networked installations, artist
2006 |
performance, nano arts, computer science, architecture, anthropology, virtual art, media art history, conference, photography, pop culture, visual culture
The culture of fashion: a new history of fashionable dress
Christopher Breward
fashion journalism, fashion history, book, clothing, advertising
(TNO) |
energy managment, Construction and spatial development, accessibility, Employment participation and the ageing population, healty living, defence, public safety, research organization, industry, High-tech systems, processes and materials, technology, smart materials, company
(Twenty1f) |
blog, tech, future fashion, clothing, textiles, technology, design, news, design, artists & technologists, fashion
Universiteit Twente
Zsofia Ruttkay
(UT-Universiteit Twente) |
university, school, students, bachelor, master, research, bio-nano technology, susteinable energy, design sciences, communication design, natural sciences, life and social sciences, communication technology, test centre
Waag Society
(Waag Society) |
social innovations, artists, performance, media art, research, develops concepts, acts, cultural, public, interaction, private, parties, fablab
Willem de Kooning academie
(Hogeschool Rotterdam) |
haute couture, ready to wear, fashion design, conceptualised collections, physical garments, design, academy, school, students, university, master