Body Pixel
Deborah Hustic
technology, interviews, wearable, blog, artist, beta
Fashioning the future
Suzanne Lee
2005 |
textile art, textile and smart technology, new matrials, new technology, creative exploration, innovative directions, tomorrow's wardrobe, Emergent technologies, Future Fashion, book, fashion history, design, accessories, wearable technology
TEXTILE Kaunas Biennial
Chief Executive: Virginija Vitkienė (info@kaunas.biennial.lt), Project administrator Gintarė Dūdėnaitė gintare@bienale.lt,
(Kaunas Biennial, Kaunas Biennial Board E-mail: info@kaunas.biennial.lt) |
biennial, fall |
discursive textile culture, textile art, exhibition
(TEXTURA Trading Company ) |
shop online, yans, fabric, textile, fibers, handweavers, innovative materials